
I would like to give my particular thanks to the Weather Display team headed by Brian Hamilton, for producing a fine piece of software. I also give my thanks to Graham Smith of Fife Weather for his many helpful tips in getting my website off the ground. I also acknowledge the help given by Chris Arnold of Carse Weather.

I would also like to give thanks to Angus Martin of Hillview Weather , who gave me much very useful advice on the use of jpgraphs and various other topics such as the use of Visual Basic routines to enhance my station. A lot of the data displayed on the station has been suggested by him and I can't emphasise how much he has helped me improve my displays etc.

In addition to the above, I would like to acknowledge the Auchterhouse Kirk Session, for kindly allowing me to install my anemometer/sunshine recorder pole in the Auchterhouse Glebe with the great improvement in site exposure which this allows. (Our garden is full of large trees, which is not ideal when trying to measure wind and sunshine).

I would also like to thank Michael Murray, who has been an enormous help in various ways, in particular making it possible to provide some degree of back-up for the station.

Thanks are due to Auchterhouse Community Council for their help in purchasing the WXSIM weather forecasting package and the current main computer.

Many thanks to Dr Paul Crawford of the University of Dundee who set up my system so that Windows XP could be run as part of a Virtual Machine using the Ubuntu operating system and VMware. This was necessary because the Metlog software could not be run on later versions of Microsoft Windows systems.

Finally thanks to the Carterlake/Ajax teams organised at Saratoga Weather for the excellent web software to produce the displays you are looking at.

John Brush